Creativian Power Wiki
2014-04-04 18.20

Epsilon City is the headquarters of the Creativian Church . It often also serves as the headquarters of other stuff and as the base of operations for the shogunuate, which is currently occupied by chlorophyll, a furer, a religious guy, a power mad guy and a guy who will be killed by the Shogunuate inner-circle once they get around to it. Creativians all over the world have had it pounded into their heads that their first true allegiance is to the Shogunuate - all else is secondary.

This is the great city of Epsilon. Located at the heart of the Creativian Empire, it is the supreme stronghold of all Creativian power.


Senate Tower is the largest tower in Epsilon, and contains the majority of Creativian knowledge. It contains a library, entrance hall, a vast maps room, a room of heads and most importantly, the Senate Room in the top floor.

Spawn Tower is the tower where all incoming visitors will spawn. It is humble, a mere introduction to the glory of Epsilon.

The Lighthouse is an ingenious tower, small but glowing with the light of a thousand suns. It guides nearby skyships to Epsilon.

The Prison is located to the side of Epsilon, and has many heavy-duty cells that are impossible to break out of. So, be good!

There are countless other towers, but these are the most prominent.


There are several attractions to be found in Epsilon. These include the Epsilon Jump Map, a difficult jumping adventure with a hefty reward at the end, the Trans-Creativian Rail, the Hall of Statues and The Catapult, a fun TNT powered jumping device.


Epsilon is surrounded by luscious forest and vast, glorious plains.

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Epsilon, in all its glory